Top Baits for July Fishing

Top Baits for July Fishing

Today we’re talking about my top four bass baits for the month of July. Now, it doesn’t matter if you’re fishing on the West Coast, the East Coast, up North, or down South, July means one thing: it’s hot and it’s summertime. So, these baits are perfect for summertime bass fishing. If you watch my videos, you know my rule for summertime bass fishing: deeper, thicker, and current. We’re going to cover four baits today that are perfect for those scenarios and ideal for the hot month of July. Let’s dive in! First up, we’re starting in the North, where […]

Top Four Baits for June

Top Four Baits for June

Let’s talk about my Top Four Baits for the Month of June! June is a special month for me because my birthday is on June 17th, but it’s also a great time for fishing. The fish are super active in June, and depending on where you live, it’s getting warm, or it’s already been warm for a few weeks. We’re fully into the summer pattern now, with fish moving out to deeper waters or hiding under thick cover. So let’s dive in and talk about my top four baits for this awesome month, split into two for the North and […]