Discovering the Ned Jig: A Power Fishing Technique

Discovering the Ned Jig: A Power Fishing Technique

Let’s talk about a technique that is making waves in the fishing world: Ned jigging, or the Ned jig. This technique combines two of my all-time favorites into one powerful fishing method. So, let’s break it down! What is Ned Jigging? At its core, the Ned jig is a skirted jig with a soft plastic stick bait attached to the back. The concept is straightforward but super effective. The skirted jig lets you power fish and catch big bass, while the Ned rig is a finesse technique that excels in enticing bites when the fish are finicky. It’s a perfect […]

Top Four Baits for October Fishing

Top Four Baits for October Fishing

In this blog we’re diving into my top four baits for the month of October. Whether you’re up north where it’s full-blown fall or down south where the fish are still transitioning, I’ve got the tips you need to get those bass biting this month. So let’s break it down! Understanding October Fishing First off, let’s talk about what’s happening in October. Depending on where you live, it can either be early fall or full-on fall feed time. For those of you up north, like Virginia and beyond, October means fish are really starting to pack on the pounds before […]

Everything You Need To Know About Fishing Worms!

Everything You Need To Know About Fishing Worms!

Let’s dive into a technique that’s a total game-changer when it comes to catching big bass, lots of bass, and sometimes, it’s the only way to get those stubborn fish to bite. We’re talking about speed worms, swim worms, cut tails, paddle tails, whatever you want to call them, I like to call them speed worms or swim worms. I’m going to show you why this little worm can make all the difference when other lures just aren’t working. Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of these worms, let me take you back to 2003. I was fishing the Bassmaster […]

Top Four Baits for September Fishing

Top Four Baits for September Fishing

September is a unique month for fishing. I’m going to give you the lowdown on why that is and how you can use these baits to catch more fish. So, let’s get started by talking about what September really means for fishing across the country. Let’s break it down with two baits for the northern half of the country and two for the southern half. When you look at the calendar, September is that transition month. It’s the period where summer’s hot patterns start giving way to the cooler patterns of fall. Fish are sensing those changes, and their behavior […]

Toad Fishing!

Toad Fishing!

Let’s go over a topic that I don’t think I’ve written on before and that’s toads! No, not those hollow-bodied frogs you’re used to. I’m talking about soft plastic toads. This style of frog fishing is totally unique, different, and stands alone from hollow-bodied frogs. Let’s jump right into the world of toad fishing! For years, toad fishing seemed very regional. In places like Florida and Louisiana, everyone was throwing toad-style lures. But in other parts of the country like the West Coast, Midwest, and even up here in the East, this style wasn’t as popular. Let me tell you, […]

Top Baits for August

Top Baits for August

It’s August and it’s hot! No matter where you are, whether you’re in California, Maine, Texas, or Ohio, August means the hottest month of the year, the hottest extremes of weather, and the hottest water temperatures. You’ve got to think about not just fish location but also your bait selection based on those hot conditions. You’ve heard me say it before, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but summertime patterns are all about deeper, thicker, and current. Fish go to deep water to escape the heat, get oxygen, and find food. Fish go under thick cover […]

The Ultimate Guide to Being a Great Co-Angler in a Bass Tournament

The Ultimate Guide to Being a Great Co-Angler in a Bass Tournament

Co-angling is not a topic that you hear a lot about so let’s talk about how to prepare and get ready to be a co-angler in a bass tournament. In this blog we’re going to go over the basics; the tackle to carry, how to carry it, rods and reels, fishing techniques from the back of the boat and more. Before we get into that, let me backup and tell you that in the early 90s, back when I was in my 20s, I was a co-angler. I was a co-angler for three years before I made the jump to […]

Top Baits for July Fishing

Top Baits for July Fishing

Today we’re talking about my top four bass baits for the month of July. Now, it doesn’t matter if you’re fishing on the West Coast, the East Coast, up North, or down South, July means one thing: it’s hot and it’s summertime. So, these baits are perfect for summertime bass fishing. If you watch my videos, you know my rule for summertime bass fishing: deeper, thicker, and current. We’re going to cover four baits today that are perfect for those scenarios and ideal for the hot month of July. Let’s dive in! First up, we’re starting in the North, where […]

Fishing Tough Summertime Conditions

Fishing Tough Summertime Conditions

Summertime fishing can be great, but it can also be ultra-tough. Imagine being out on the water when it’s hot, sticky, and miserable, and the fish just aren’t biting. It’s frustrating, right? Don’t worry, though. I’m here to help you beat the heat and catch more bass, even when the fishing gets tough. Today, I’m going to share my top three patterns for summer fishing: deeper water, thicker cover, and current. Plus, I’ll give you two bait choices for each pattern to load up your tackle box. Here we go! First, let’s talk about fishing deeper. When the water temperature […]

Bank Fishing Basics

Bank Fishing Basics

Bank fishing, or bank angling as I like to call it, is one of my favorite fishing styles. Let’s get into it and break down the basics you need to become a successful bank angler. Bank fishing holds a special place in my heart because that’s how I started, and I still love the simplicity and connection to nature it provides. So, let’s dive into Bank Fishing 101 and get you ready to catch some bass from the shore! First up, let’s talk about being an efficient, mobile angler. When you’re bank fishing, you want to carry enough gear to […]