Top Four Baits for September Fishing

Top Four Baits for September Fishing

September is a unique month for fishing. I’m going to give you the lowdown on why that is and how you can use these baits to catch more fish. So, let’s get started by talking about what September really means for fishing across the country. Let’s break it down with two baits for the northern half of the country and two for the southern half. When you look at the calendar, September is that transition month. It’s the period where summer’s hot patterns start giving way to the cooler patterns of fall. Fish are sensing those changes, and their behavior […]

Top Baits for July Fishing

Top Baits for July Fishing

Today we’re talking about my top four bass baits for the month of July. Now, it doesn’t matter if you’re fishing on the West Coast, the East Coast, up North, or down South, July means one thing: it’s hot and it’s summertime. So, these baits are perfect for summertime bass fishing. If you watch my videos, you know my rule for summertime bass fishing: deeper, thicker, and current. We’re going to cover four baits today that are perfect for those scenarios and ideal for the hot month of July. Let’s dive in! First up, we’re starting in the North, where […]

April Top Baits

April Top Baits

Alright, folks, here we are, diving into the nitty-gritty of my top four baits for the month of April. April is that time when the fish wake up from their winter slumber, stretching their fins, and gearing up for some serious action. Now, depending on where you’re located, April could mean a variety of things for those fish. Up north, we’re talking about pre-spawn action, with those fish making a beeline for their spawning grounds. They’re staging, getting ready for the big show, and most importantly, they’re hungry. That’s right, in April, those fish are packing on the pounds before […]

March Best Baits

March Best Baits

Today I’m going to talk with you about  the top four baits for the month of March. You know how it goes, folks. I’m gonna hook you up with two baits for the top half of the country, let’s say from Virginia north, and two for the bottom half, let’s say from Virginia south. But before we dive into those juicy details, let’s talk about March. In most places across the U.S., March marks some phase of the spawn, specifically the pre-spawn in a lot of regions. Remember our chat in February? We discussed fish migrating towards spawning areas from […]

Unveiling the Ultimate Panic Box

Unveiling the Ultimate Panic Box

By popular demand, I’m going to tell you about a tackle box that never leaves my boat. Twelve months out of the year, from New York to Texas to California, it’s always with me – it’s my panic box. It has saved my butt over the years and that’s why I always want to have it accessible, in the compartment behind the driver’s seat of my boat. It’s kind of like a bright red or bright white fire extinguisher. When I’m in situations where I’m struggling, it’s obvious and ready to help me salvage the day. Why do you need […]

Top Four January Lures

Top Four January Lures

January is typically among the coldest months of the year. Depending on where in the country you live, that could mean ice, or the water temperature could be as high as the low 60s. It’s a relative thing, but my starting point is to look for deeper, more vertical areas. Up north, that could be a bluff where the depth drops from 10 feet to 30. Down south it could be a deep-water canal that is 8 feet deep. In either situation, expect the fish to be relatively lethargic. As always, I’m going to give you two baits for up […]

Top Four November Baits

Top Four November Baits

Depending on where you are in the country, November is often the month when bass get off of the heavy fall feed and start moving toward their winter holding areas. It’s getting colder, the days are shorter, and they realize that they need to make a change. It’s a great month for fishing. Up north, they’re truly making the transition and down south they’re enjoying the tail end of the fall feed before moving. Let’s examine my two favorite baits for each of those scenarios. In the north, my number one choice is a tight wobbling crankbait. You’ve heard about […]

Top Four Bass Baits for May

Top Four Bass Baits for May

May is really one of my favorite months of the year to fish for bass no matter where I find myself in the country. Depending on where you are, it’s either the late spring or the front side of the summer and that’s a terrific time to catch fish. Today I want to share with you four baits that never leave my boat in May. Two of them are primarily for north of the Mason-Dixon Line (from Virginia and Maryland on up) and two are for south of it (from the Carolinas on down to Texas and Florida). Actually, the […]

Prespawn Bass Fishing Techniques – Crankbaits

Prespawn Bass Fishing Techniques – Crankbaits

When bass are moving from their wintertime habitat toward the spawning grounds, a crankbait can be a great lure not just for numbers, but also for big fish. Those fat females are full of eggs and they’re feeding up to have the energy to reproduce. When I think of this time period – no matter where in the country you’re fishing – the water temperatures are still comparatively cold but warming and the fish are moving. Moving fish love a moving bait, and you have to cover water, so the crankbait is the perfect tool, but not just any crankbait […]

The Ultimate Guide to Crankbait Fishing

<strong>The Ultimate Guide to Crankbait Fishing</strong>

When I look back at some of my greatest successes in my tournament career, a lot of them are directly attributable to crankbaits. Why are they so good? The biggest reason is their ability to get bites from fish that are feeding as well as fish that are not actively feeding. Sure, a lot of baits will produce “hunger bites,” but the ability to trigger reaction bites puts them in a different class. So what are we talking about when we use the term crankbait? It’s a lure, made of wood, plastic or resin, that has a bill that helps […]