Top Baits for August

Top Baits for August

It’s August and it’s hot! No matter where you are, whether you’re in California, Maine, Texas, or Ohio, August means the hottest month of the year, the hottest extremes of weather, and the hottest water temperatures. You’ve got to think about not just fish location but also your bait selection based on those hot conditions. You’ve heard me say it before, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but summertime patterns are all about deeper, thicker, and current. Fish go to deep water to escape the heat, get oxygen, and find food. Fish go under thick cover […]

Top Baits for July Fishing

Top Baits for July Fishing

Today we’re talking about my top four bass baits for the month of July. Now, it doesn’t matter if you’re fishing on the West Coast, the East Coast, up North, or down South, July means one thing: it’s hot and it’s summertime. So, these baits are perfect for summertime bass fishing. If you watch my videos, you know my rule for summertime bass fishing: deeper, thicker, and current. We’re going to cover four baits today that are perfect for those scenarios and ideal for the hot month of July. Let’s dive in! First up, we’re starting in the North, where […]

The Top Baits for May!

The Top Baits for May!

Now, before we get into the specifics, let’s set the stage for May. We’re talking about the transition from spring to summer, and this month is all about spawning fish and their post-spawn recovery. Up north, think places like Virginia and beyond, you’ve got fish on the beds, fish guarding fry, or just about to spawn. Even in upstate New York or Canada, you’ll find some pre-spawn action. Down south, places like South Carolina, Alabama, and Louisiana, it’s more about the post-spawn phase as the fish start moving towards deeper waters for the summer. Alright, let’s kick things off with […]

Top Four Bass Baits for June – Deep Dive into Summer Bass Fishing

Top Four Bass Baits for June – Deep Dive into Summer Bass Fishing

It’s heating up throughout the country, and with summertime nearly here, bass are mostly post-spawn, even in much of the north. Normally I give you two monthly suggestions for the northern fisheries and two for the southern fisheries, but this time I’m not going to split it up. Wherever you live there are four iconic lures that dominate in June. All four of these baits have similar characteristics: (1) they get a little deeper; (2) they’re big and bulky to help fish recover from the rigors of spawning; and (3) they can help you cover water and locate fish that […]

Colors for Cold Muddy Water

Colors for Cold Muddy Water

Is there anything more challenging than cold muddy water? I don’t think so, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch a few. You just have to approach things a little differently. When it’s cold and muddy the fish have to use their senses, just like when the water’s clear — vibration, sound, scent and sight.  All those senses are important but the one that’s not talked about enough is sight. It’s like anglers think that the fish are blind in muddy water so there’s no reason to take that into consideration. Well, they aren’t blind. They just need a little […]

My World, with Jim Miller

My World, with Jim Miller

The show this week was with UFC fighter Jim Miller. He’s a tough dude. I’ve been a fan of his for a while now, but I really didn’t have any idea of what it was all about, how technical mixed martial arts is when it’s practiced correctly. When he’s actually fighting, he looks completely disorganized. It’s like it’s just a bunch of arms and legs flopping around. In reality, though, it’s a number of carefully choreographed moves that he practices over and over so that when he needs one he’s ready to do it right, and his record shows he […]

My World, with Keyshawn Whitehorse

My World, with Keyshawn Whitehorse

I worked with professional bull rider, Keyshawn Whitehorse, in the episode this week. It was interesting and might have been the most difficult physical activity I’ve ever tried. Staying on a bull is not for the weak or the timid. Keyshawn is currently ranked fourth in the country and 11th in the world. He’s a man of faith and a man who hasn’t forgotten his Navajo roots. He is someone we should all admire before we even consider his professional accomplishments. He describes riding a bull as a dance. He points out that they’re bigger, stronger and faster than we […]

The Dragonfly Bite

The Dragonfly Bite

This time we’re going to talk about how to catch bass when there’s a few dragonflies around. Before we do that, though, I want to make sure that we’re all thinking about the same creature. A dragonfly is a dragonfly. It’s not a mayfly. It’s an insect all to its own. Most of them have a wingspan of somewhere between 2 and 5 inches and they’re very colorful. They are expert flyers, too. They can move in any direction — up, down or sideways — and some of them live for up to a full year. I first saw evidence […]

More about Finesse Swimbaits

More about Finesse Swimbaits

Last time — Part 5 of Fall and Early Winter Baits Choices — we talked about boot tail swimbaits. They’re super important so I devoted a whole blog to them. But then I started thinking that there are other finesse swimbaits that deserve attention. In fact, the whole subject of finesse swimbaits deserves more attention. We’ll start by taking a quick look at the big picture. Finesse swimbaits have been around for years. We just didn’t call them swimbaits. We called them grubs. Look at any of the old grubs — most are still made today — and you’ll see […]

Big Worms, Big Bass

Big Worms, Big Bass

When I’m talking about big worms I’m talking about ones anywhere from 8 to 12 inches long. And, in my case I even have some custom ones that are around 15 inches. All my worms, other than the custom jobs, are made by Berkley. I have used their Powerbait Power Worms exclusively for years. The reason is that most big worms are round. Power Worms have a flat side on them that’s about a quarter of their circumference. That’s just enough to let me rig them with the flat side down. That gives them a more natural action and a […]