February Top 4 Baits

February Top 4 Baits

February is here so  it’s time to talk about my top four baits for this month. As always, I’m going to break it down by region. I’ve got two baits for the top half of the country, we’re talking Midwest, Virginia, Ohio, and anywhere north of that, and two baits for the southern half, stretching from North Carolina all the way down to Florida and Texas. Let’s dive in and talk about how to catch those cold-water fish in February! First, let’s start up north, where winter is still in full swing. The water is at its coldest point, and […]

Picking the Right Metal for Cold Water Bass

Picking the Right Metal for Cold Water Bass

If you’re a hard core bass angler, you probably don’t stop fishing just because the water is cold, and you know that one of the best wintertime categories of lures is typically referred to as “metal.” That describes them perfectly, because all of them are simply a hunk of metal shaped to resemble a baitfish. They are the deal when the water is cold, and start to become a player when the water is mid-50s or lower. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t have at least one tied on under the right conditions, but it’s also critical to […]

Blade Baits: Tackle and Techniques

Blade Baits: Tackle and Techniques

Last time we reviewed blade baits by looking at the lure in detail. Now we’re going to talk about what tackle to use and how to fish them. For starters let’s review the holes and clips on the back of the lure. It doesn’t make much difference whether you use a clip, a split ring or a swivel on a blade bait. They’ll all work. I like clips and snaps because you can change holes on the fly easy. Split rings are a little harder to take off and put back where you want them, especially with cold fingers. The […]

Heavy Metal Blade Baits In The Winter

Heavy Metal Blade Baits In The Winter

OK fish-heads, it’s getting cold and that means water temperatures in the 40s. When that happens I grab my box of metal blade baits before I head out to the water. They give me exactly what’s needed to generate reaction bites from lethargic winter bass — vibration, flash, finish, size and depth control. My favorite is the Molix Trago Vib Blade Bait. It has a flat nose which keeps it level on the fall but with a little bit of wiggle, and it has three line tie holes on its back so it’s really easy to change the action of […]

Fishing Blade Baits Shallow

Fishing Blade Baits Shallow

When most of us think about blade baits we think about deep water, and cold water. Recently, however, I fished one shallow in the Upper Chesapeake Bay, and with great success. I do have to admit, though, that the water was cold. We fished with a Molix Trago Vib Blade Bait for several different reasons. For one, it’s well balanced. It’ll hang in a horizontal attitude no matter how it’s fished. Another thing is that you can change its vibration. There are three holes on top. If you attach your line to the front hole you’ll get a light and […]