After we finished filming for the first episode of fishing in Central Park we changed ponds. We went to one named Harlem Meer. It’s a little bit different in that it has almost no cover.

We only had a couple of hours of daylight left so we went right to work. You can always catch a few small water bass with a Shaky Head and a worm. As always, I used a small (3/16-ounce) Swinging Rugby Head made by VMC and attached a Havoc Bottom Hopper flat sided worm to it — green pumpkin.

Apparently always doesn’t include the times when they simply don’t bite. I might have been able to catch a few if I’d had more time. But I didn’t, and we didn’t. Sometimes they just don’t bite and there isn’t a heck of a lot you can do about it.
I did catch a nice carp, though.