Mastering the Free Rig Technique! Selecting the Perfect Baits for Maximum Action

Mastering the Free Rig Technique! Selecting the Perfect Baits for Maximum Action

I’m super pumped to talk about one of the hottest new rigging techniques that’s been killing it out on the water—the Free Rig. If you haven’t heard of it yet, don’t worry because we’re going to break it down for you. The Free Rig is all about giving the bait maximum action, and it’s perfect for fooling fish that have seen every other rig out there. So let’s talk about selecting the right baits to make your Free Rig as effective as possible. Before we jump into picking the best baits, let’s quickly talk about what the Free Rig is […]

Top 4 Baits for March Bass Fishing

Top 4 Baits for March Bass Fishing

Bass fishing in March! Let’s talk about my top baits!  March is a crazy month because depending on where you are in the country, fish are in totally different phases. Up north, the water is still cold, and bass are in the pre-spawn phase, while down south, fish are either spawning or already post-spawn. So, I’m going to break it down for you; two killer baits for the north and two for the south. Let’s get into it! Northern Baits: Pre-Spawn Tactics 1. Tight-Wobble Crankbait Starting in the north, we’ve got pre-spawn bass that are just starting to move from […]

The Monster Jig: The Game-Changer in Jig Fishing

The Monster Jig: The Game-Changer in Jig Fishing

Hey folks, I’ve got a REALLY, REALLY good one for you today! We’re talking about a bait that is changing the way we think about jig fishing. Say hello to the Missile Jigs Monster Jig! It’s big and beefy compared to a standard full-size jig. We’re diving into EVERYTHING—why this jig exists, how to fish it, where to throw it, and of course, the best trailer selection, rod, reel, and line setup. This jig is a completely different animal, folks, and I’m here to tell you it’s a GAME-CHANGER! The Specs: What Makes the Monster Jig Special? Alright, let’s talk […]

February Top 4 Baits

February Top 4 Baits

February is here so  it’s time to talk about my top four baits for this month. As always, I’m going to break it down by region. I’ve got two baits for the top half of the country, we’re talking Midwest, Virginia, Ohio, and anywhere north of that, and two baits for the southern half, stretching from North Carolina all the way down to Florida and Texas. Let’s dive in and talk about how to catch those cold-water fish in February! First, let’s start up north, where winter is still in full swing. The water is at its coldest point, and […]

The Krej: The New, Must-Have, Lure!

The Krej: The New, Must-Have, Lure!

I am fired up because today we’re talking about a bait that’s going to completely change the way you fish for suspended bass, the ones hanging off the bank or the ones you spot on forward-facing sonar. This bait isn’t just a new lure; it introduces a whole new technique. That’s right, I’m talking about the Krej from Berkley! The name alone is clever—Krej is “jerk” spelled backward. It’s like a reverse jerkbait in every sense. It’s got the profile of a jerkbait, but that crazy, upward-facing lip is what makes it so special. Let me tell you, this bait […]

Top 4 Baits for January Fishing

Top 4 Baits for January Fishing

Whether you’re up north battling ice-cold water or down south dealing with chilly winter temps, I’ve got two baits for each region to help you catch more fish this month! January: A Winter Wonderland for Fishing January is winter, no matter where you live. Even in Florida, Texas, or Louisiana, it’s still one of the coldest months of the year. Up north, it’s even colder, with air and water temps at their lowest. When the water gets this cold, fish slow down. They’re lethargic, hanging out on deeper, steeper breaks where they can conserve energy. These aren’t the shallow, tapering […]

Grubs! What are They and How to Fish Them!

Grubs! What are They and How to Fish Them!

I’ve got an awesome blog for you here! I’m so pumped because we’re talking about a soft plastic lure that a lot of people have totally forgotten about. This is a lure that used to be a big deal back in the day, but now it’s kind of faded into the background. I’m talking about the grub. G-R-U-B, the grub. Now, if you’re an older angler, let’s say 40 or older, you’re probably nodding your head right now. You know exactly what a curl tail grub is. You probably grew up fishing with it. But if you’re younger, you might […]

Top Four Baits for December

Top Four Baits for December

It’s hard to believe it’s December already but here we are. In this blog, I’m going to outline for you the top four baits for the month of December. And, as always, we’re breaking it down for you depending on where you live. If you’re in the North, above Virginia, you’ll get two baits that dominate cold-weather fishing. For my Southern anglers, Carolinas and below, you’ll get two picks perfect for those transitional conditions. But before we dive into the baits, let’s talk about December because, man, it’s a unique time to fish! December: A Month of Change Up North, […]

Unlocking the Power of Mid Strolling: The Game-Changing Technique for Suspended Fish

Unlocking the Power of Mid Strolling: The Game-Changing Technique for Suspended Fish

In today’s blog, I’m going to talk to you about a technique that I think is going to explode over the next couple of years: mid strolling, or mid-depth strolling. If you’re out there chasing suspended fish and struggling to get them to bite, mid strolling is the technique you need to know. This is a finesse technique designed to trigger those tough, suspended fish into striking, something you can’t always do with traditional baits or methods. I’m excited to dive into the details and give you the inside scoop on what’s been working for me. So, let’s break it […]

Top Four Baits for November

Top Four Baits for November

Let’s talk about my top four baits for the month of November. I’m going to break this down for my anglers up North—think Virginia and above—then I’ll give you my picks for the Southern states down to Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. So, let’s get into it! Understanding November’s Transition November is a unique month for fishing. For those of you in the northern states, it’s the tail end of fall, but it also marks a transitional period for our fish friends. As they move away from their feeding areas and start migrating towards their winter spots, this is the time […]