Top Baits for August

Top Baits for August

It’s August and it’s hot! No matter where you are, whether you’re in California, Maine, Texas, or Ohio, August means the hottest month of the year, the hottest extremes of weather, and the hottest water temperatures. You’ve got to think about not just fish location but also your bait selection based on those hot conditions. You’ve heard me say it before, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but summertime patterns are all about deeper, thicker, and current. Fish go to deep water to escape the heat, get oxygen, and find food. Fish go under thick cover […]

The Ultimate Guide to Being a Great Co-Angler in a Bass Tournament

The Ultimate Guide to Being a Great Co-Angler in a Bass Tournament

Co-angling is not a topic that you hear a lot about so let’s talk about how to prepare and get ready to be a co-angler in a bass tournament. In this blog we’re going to go over the basics; the tackle to carry, how to carry it, rods and reels, fishing techniques from the back of the boat and more. Before we get into that, let me backup and tell you that in the early 90s, back when I was in my 20s, I was a co-angler. I was a co-angler for three years before I made the jump to […]

Top Baits for July Fishing

Top Baits for July Fishing

Today we’re talking about my top four bass baits for the month of July. Now, it doesn’t matter if you’re fishing on the West Coast, the East Coast, up North, or down South, July means one thing: it’s hot and it’s summertime. So, these baits are perfect for summertime bass fishing. If you watch my videos, you know my rule for summertime bass fishing: deeper, thicker, and current. We’re going to cover four baits today that are perfect for those scenarios and ideal for the hot month of July. Let’s dive in! First up, we’re starting in the North, where […]

Fishing Tough Summertime Conditions

Fishing Tough Summertime Conditions

Summertime fishing can be great, but it can also be ultra-tough. Imagine being out on the water when it’s hot, sticky, and miserable, and the fish just aren’t biting. It’s frustrating, right? Don’t worry, though. I’m here to help you beat the heat and catch more bass, even when the fishing gets tough. Today, I’m going to share my top three patterns for summer fishing: deeper water, thicker cover, and current. Plus, I’ll give you two bait choices for each pattern to load up your tackle box. Here we go! First, let’s talk about fishing deeper. When the water temperature […]

Bank Fishing Basics

Bank Fishing Basics

Bank fishing, or bank angling as I like to call it, is one of my favorite fishing styles. Let’s get into it and break down the basics you need to become a successful bank angler. Bank fishing holds a special place in my heart because that’s how I started, and I still love the simplicity and connection to nature it provides. So, let’s dive into Bank Fishing 101 and get you ready to catch some bass from the shore! First up, let’s talk about being an efficient, mobile angler. When you’re bank fishing, you want to carry enough gear to […]

Top Four Baits for June

Top Four Baits for June

Let’s talk about my Top Four Baits for the Month of June! June is a special month for me because my birthday is on June 17th, but it’s also a great time for fishing. The fish are super active in June, and depending on where you live, it’s getting warm, or it’s already been warm for a few weeks. We’re fully into the summer pattern now, with fish moving out to deeper waters or hiding under thick cover. So let’s dive in and talk about my top four baits for this awesome month, split into two for the North and […]

Mastering the Shad Spawn

Mastering the Shad Spawn

Let’s dive in! We’re diving into a timely topic that’s sure to make your next fishing trip a success, the shad spawn. If you’ve ever wondered about this phenomenal event that happens wherever there are bass and shad, you’re in the right place. First off, what exactly is the shad spawn? Well, it’s more than just shad spawning; it’s nature’s way of replenishing the bass population by filling their bellies with delicious shad after the bass finish spawning. Timing-wise, it typically occurs from April through June, varying slightly depending on where you’re located. Keep an eye out for water temperatures […]

The Top Baits for May!

The Top Baits for May!

Now, before we get into the specifics, let’s set the stage for May. We’re talking about the transition from spring to summer, and this month is all about spawning fish and their post-spawn recovery. Up north, think places like Virginia and beyond, you’ve got fish on the beds, fish guarding fry, or just about to spawn. Even in upstate New York or Canada, you’ll find some pre-spawn action. Down south, places like South Carolina, Alabama, and Louisiana, it’s more about the post-spawn phase as the fish start moving towards deeper waters for the summer. Alright, let’s kick things off with […]

Forgotten Finesse Technique That Will Catch You More Fish

Forgotten Finesse Technique That Will Catch You More Fish

The Mojo rig isn’t one that gets the spotlight it deserves anymore—the Mojo rig, also known as the PD rig or split shot rig. Now, if you’re an angler who’s been around a while, these terms might ring a bell, but for many of you tuning in, you might be scratching your heads wondering, “What on earth is a Mojo rig?” Well, let me break it down for you. The Mojo rig is essentially a finesse version of the Carolina rig, perfect for scenarios where the traditional Carolina rig setup feels too heavy-handed. Picture this: you’re out on the water, […]

April Top Baits

April Top Baits

Alright, folks, here we are, diving into the nitty-gritty of my top four baits for the month of April. April is that time when the fish wake up from their winter slumber, stretching their fins, and gearing up for some serious action. Now, depending on where you’re located, April could mean a variety of things for those fish. Up north, we’re talking about pre-spawn action, with those fish making a beeline for their spawning grounds. They’re staging, getting ready for the big show, and most importantly, they’re hungry. That’s right, in April, those fish are packing on the pounds before […]