Top 4 Baits for March Bass Fishing

Top 4 Baits for March Bass Fishing

Bass fishing in March! Let’s talk about my top baits!  March is a crazy month because depending on where you are in the country, fish are in totally different phases. Up north, the water is still cold, and bass are in the pre-spawn phase, while down south, fish are either spawning or already post-spawn. So, I’m going to break it down for you; two killer baits for the north and two for the south. Let’s get into it! Northern Baits: Pre-Spawn Tactics 1. Tight-Wobble Crankbait Starting in the north, we’ve got pre-spawn bass that are just starting to move from […]

Top Four Baits for December

Top Four Baits for December

It’s hard to believe it’s December already but here we are. In this blog, I’m going to outline for you the top four baits for the month of December. And, as always, we’re breaking it down for you depending on where you live. If you’re in the North, above Virginia, you’ll get two baits that dominate cold-weather fishing. For my Southern anglers, Carolinas and below, you’ll get two picks perfect for those transitional conditions. But before we dive into the baits, let’s talk about December because, man, it’s a unique time to fish! December: A Month of Change Up North, […]

Top Four January Lures

Top Four January Lures

January is typically among the coldest months of the year. Depending on where in the country you live, that could mean ice, or the water temperature could be as high as the low 60s. It’s a relative thing, but my starting point is to look for deeper, more vertical areas. Up north, that could be a bluff where the depth drops from 10 feet to 30. Down south it could be a deep-water canal that is 8 feet deep. In either situation, expect the fish to be relatively lethargic. As always, I’m going to give you two baits for up […]