February is here so it’s time to talk about my top four baits for this month. As always, I’m going to break it down by region. I’ve got two baits for the top half of the country, we’re talking Midwest, Virginia, Ohio, and anywhere north of that, and two baits for the southern half, stretching from North Carolina all the way down to Florida and Texas. Let’s dive in and talk about how to catch those cold-water fish in February!

First, let’s start up north, where winter is still in full swing. The water is at its coldest point, and the fish are lethargic. My first pick for this region is a technique you might have heard of: the Damiki Rig. It’s an absolute killer for February fishing. This setup features a jighead minnow, and I’ve been using the Berkley PowerBait Switch.
What makes this bait so effective is that it’s pre-rigged, perfect for cold hands when you’re wearing gloves. The 90-degree line tie on this bait is key for fishing it vertically. I’m targeting vertical cover like bluff walls, bridge pilings, or 45-degree banks. Using my electronics, I locate the fish and bait level, then drop the Switch down and just let it dangle. Tiny shakes and pauses bring this bait to life, and cold-water fish can’t resist it. The Damiki Rig is all about precision and subtlety, and it’s perfect for those lethargic northern bass in February.

My second northern pick is a Blade Bait. You’ve seen me talk about metal baits before, but February is when blade baits really shine. My go-to is the Molix Trago Vib. This bait is a hybrid between a metal spoon and a lipless crankbait, and it’s perfect for mimicking cold-water forage.
The key with blade baits is to keep your presentation subtle. Cast it out, let it hit the bottom, and use small rod movements to lift it slightly off the bottom before letting it fall again. You don’t want big rips, just tiny lifts and drops. I like carrying a few basic colors: silver, gold, shad patterns, and maybe a perch or bluegill. Adjust the weight of the bait based on the depth you’re fishing, and you’ll be set. This technique works wonders on bass hugging the bottom in cold water. Some of them even have mud on their bellies this time of year!

Now, let’s head south. February in the southern part of the country is a transitional time. While it’s still winter, warm fronts can push the fish into a pre-spawn pattern. My first pick for this region is a Lipless Crankbait, like a Rattle Trap. My go-to lipless crankbait is the Berkley Warpig.
This bait bridges the gap between winter and pre-spawn. I’m targeting areas near deeper breaks but moving closer to where the bank starts to flatten out. The yo-yo retrieve is my favorite technique here. Cast it out, let it hit the bottom, and then lift and drop it like a yo-yo. This creates sound, flash, and vibration, which trigger strikes from fish starting to get active. A lipless crankbait is versatile and deadly as water temperatures begin to creep up, making it a must-have for February fishing down south.
Last but not least, let’s talk about the Texas-Rigged Stickbait. This is my go-to for those southern states like Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, where pre-spawn activity kicks into high gear. My favorite stickbait for this time of year is the Berkley PowerBait General i

n the 5-inch or 6-inch size. I’m Texas-rigging it with a light weight, something in the 1/8 to 1/4 ounce range, and targeting the first available cover outside of deeper water. Think lily pads, hydrilla edges, eelgrass, or scattered reeds. These are staging areas where bass set up before moving to spawn. A stickbait is versatile, and its subtle action is perfect for coaxing bites from fish transitioning into pre-spawn mode. Use a 4/0 hook for the 5-inch version and a 5/0 or 6/0 hook for the 6-inch size, and you’re ready to catch some giants!
There you have it, my top four baits for February. Whether you’re fishing in the icy north or the warming waters of the south, these baits and techniques will help you catch more fish.

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