My Second Favorite Winter Bass Bait

My Second Favorite Winter Bass Bait

Last time we talked about jerkbaits, my favorite bait in the winter.  This time I want to talk about my second favorite, the Rapala Rippin Rap Lipless Crankbait.  But you should know this: Just because it’s my second favorite doesn’t mean I don’t use it all the time.  In fact, when the water’s cold I never leave the dock without one tied on and ready to go. I fish this little jewel two ways. The first is with a traditional yo-yo type retrieve.  I just cast it out, let it fall to the bottom and then make it lift and […]

Winter Bassin’ with Hard Jerkbaits

Winter Bassin’ with Hard Jerkbaits

Becky and I got back from vacation last Saturday and I decided to fish a Winter League tournament up here on Sunday. The air temperature was really cold and the water was in the low 40s. The bite was tough. Nevertheless, we won with four bites that put four bass in the livewell. They weighed 6.86 pounds. Here’s how we did it… We used what’s probably my favorite winter bass lure — a hard jerkbait. But, we didn’t fish with just any jerkbait. We spent a lot of time matching size and figuring out how we wanted the bait to […]

London Here I Come

London Here I Come

Ok, so we’re in London, England, this time. This was the first time I’ve ever been there and I have to say that it’s awesome, really cool for a guy from Philadelphia. I’m going to go back in the near future and take Becky with me. There’s no doubt that she’ll like it as much as I do. Let’s talk fishing: Our targets are English Pike, Barbel and European Yellow Perch. You saw most of it on TV last night but I’m guessing you’d like to hear a little more about exactly what we did and how we did it. […]

New Orleans: It’s Special

New Orleans: It’s Special

This trip was really special. As you probably already know, I won the 2003 Bassmaster Classic on the Louisiana Delta. I won’t go so far as to say that it totally made my career but I will say that it’s a huge part of it. If you want to be considered one of the best, you need a Classic title. I will be forever grateful to New Orleans and the surroundingarea for mine. So anyway, when we arrived in New Orleans we had three species on our five day bucket list: Alligator Gar, Sea Trout and Bull Reds. Alligator Gar These […]

Rigging a Drop Shot

Rigging a Drop Shot

I’ve been catching bass on a drop shot rig for years, and until a couple of years ago I always rigged it the same way. I tied a fluorocarbon leader to a braid main line and tied the hook somewhere down the leader. Then, I nose hooked my bait, or maybe hooded it in the middle, and went fishing. It worked. I caught my share but I was dissatisfied with my hooking percentage. I just felt like I could do better. And, at the same time, I was having trouble with line twist. Even my braid started giving me trouble […]

Smallmouth and Scent

Smallmouth and Scent

All bass use a wide variety of their senses to find their prey, but smallmouth primarily use two — sight and smell. We’re going to save the sight part for another day. Right now I want to talk about scent. I’ll start by telling you that I never fish with a plastic bait that isn’t scented or to which I haven’t added scent. That’s an absolute rule of mine. Never means never, not ever. It wouldn’t make sense. I want the smallies to smell something attractive and I never want them to smell me or anything I might have on […]

Frogs for Late Summer and Fall

Frogs for Late Summer and Fall

When it comes to bass fishing there’s no better late summer and fall topwater bait than a frog, and there are no better frogs than the Molix Sneaky Frog and the Molix Supernato. The Sneaky Frog is a super good open water or sparse cover lure. It has a kind of elongated body and a center weight. Both of them combined let it walk in a smooth and sexy way, but without much forward movement. It’ll attract bass from deep water as well as shallow water. The center weight is really the thing. Most frogs are weighted in the rear. That […]

Power Fishing with Jerkbaits

Power Fishing with Jerkbaits

We all know that hard jerkbaits will catch bass when conditions are right. But we also know that they are finesse or light tackle lures in most cases. True, there are a few bigger ones, heavier ones and ones that run deep. However, those baits are the exception rather than the rule. Rapala has corrected that issue with their new RipStop. You’ll remember that the original RipStop was revolutionary in its design. The lip on its tail made a bait that didn’t glide forward on the twitch. It stopped on a dime and, in many cases, actually backed up a […]

Berkley’s Jester is No Joke

Berkley’s Jester is No Joke

The Berkley Powerbait Jester Craw is not a “me-too” bait, and it doesn’t look like anything else I’ve ever fished. It’s listed at 4 inches but really fishes much bigger than that. The body is ribbed and fat. There are three feet-like looking things on each side of it and it has two big flappers as well as two long, skinny tentacles coming off the back. It’ll be offered in at least eight colors, some of which are striped. And, it’s loaded with scent so it smells to high heavens. If you want to truly appreciate how big, bad and […]

The Molix Lover Double Willow Spinnerbait

The Molix Lover Double Willow Spinnerbait

Finally! Someone has made a high-quality titanium spinnerbait, and we all know what that means — lots of vicious strikes and a bait that’ll last forever. Here’s the thing: Titanium is a super non-corrosive metal with a natural silver finish, a low density and incredible strength. Basically this means that the wire on our new spinnerbait is thinner and stronger than other metal wires. That gives it increased vibration and makes it darn near indestructible. The vibration thing is really important because it’s not just the flash of the blades that attract bass to a spinnerbait. It’s the flash coupled […]