The Monster Jig: The Game-Changer in Jig Fishing

The Monster Jig: The Game-Changer in Jig Fishing

Hey folks, I’ve got a REALLY, REALLY good one for you today! We’re talking about a bait that is changing the way we think about jig fishing. Say hello to the Missile Jigs Monster Jig! It’s big and beefy compared to a standard full-size jig. We’re diving into EVERYTHING—why this jig exists, how to fish it, where to throw it, and of course, the best trailer selection, rod, reel, and line setup. This jig is a completely different animal, folks, and I’m here to tell you it’s a GAME-CHANGER! The Specs: What Makes the Monster Jig Special? Alright, let’s talk […]

Top Four Baits for June

Top Four Baits for June

Let’s talk about my Top Four Baits for the Month of June! June is a special month for me because my birthday is on June 17th, but it’s also a great time for fishing. The fish are super active in June, and depending on where you live, it’s getting warm, or it’s already been warm for a few weeks. We’re fully into the summer pattern now, with fish moving out to deeper waters or hiding under thick cover. So let’s dive in and talk about my top four baits for this awesome month, split into two for the North and […]

Top Four Baits for August

Top Four Baits for August

Mike Iaconelli No matter where you live across the country, August is likely to be the hottest month of the year. That means it’s prime time for summer patterns, and if you’ve watched any of my previous videos or read past articles, you know that means I tend to go “deeper, thicker or current.” They still have to feed, but they’ll do it in very defined zones. With that in mind, I’m going to give you four lures I rely upon this month. As usual, two of them are key for the North and two for the South, but to […]

Colors for Cold Muddy Water

Colors for Cold Muddy Water

Is there anything more challenging than cold muddy water? I don’t think so, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch a few. You just have to approach things a little differently. When it’s cold and muddy the fish have to use their senses, just like when the water’s clear — vibration, sound, scent and sight.  All those senses are important but the one that’s not talked about enough is sight. It’s like anglers think that the fish are blind in muddy water so there’s no reason to take that into consideration. Well, they aren’t blind. They just need a little […]

How To Fish The Moment

How To Fish The Moment

In the fall there’s one issue with bass fishing — baitfish. The thing is, though, not every day on the water is the same. Just because it’s fall and you think you know what’s going to happen doesn’t mean you don’t have to fish the moment or that you can predict what the fish will want with any degree of certainty. That’s what we’re going to talk about in this blog. There’s a video that goes along with this discussion that shows everything happening on the water in real-time. You can link to it here. It’s important that after you […]

Early Winter and Jigs

Early Winter and Jigs

OK, guys, here’s the deal: It’s getting to be winter. The air temperature is no better than 50 degrees most days and the water temperature is around 55 degrees in much of the country. That’s not nearly as cold as it’s going to get but it’s still cold and the bass know that winter is right around the corner. Now, to be honest, you need to fish all through the water column right now. There are days when they’re deep and days when they’re shallow. Nevertheless, it’s a rare day when you can’t catch them with a jig, and I’m […]

Summer Cover

Summer Cover

The weather is hot. The green cover in our lakes and rivers is growing like crazy.  That’s good for us. That’s bad for the bass. It’s a simple situation. We know where to find them when they’re shallow — somewhere that’s green. I’m not going to talk about all the types of cover that’s out there, only two types that grow — grass and trees. Before we get into that, however, I want to say something about deep and shallow. Right now a lot of the bass are out deep on main lake drops and channels, but a lot doesn’t […]

The Soner Euro Cup

The Soner Euro Cup

After some street fishing in Paris late this summer, we moved on to Spain. We — Becky, myself and the youngest kids — spent a couple of days in Madrid before I fished the Soner Euro Cup on Lake Cigara near Madrid. My partner and I won it! How cool is that? The Euro Cup was a really exciting experience for me. There were something like 125-130 boats with two man teams in them. As best I can remember there were something like 25 or 30 countries represented, some of them from thousands of miles away. And, as you might […]

How To Pick The Right Jig

How To Pick The Right Jig

A jig is not a jig. They are not all created equal. Specific jigs work best under specific conditions. I sort my jigs into three categories, and then I think about size. Rocky bottom applications When I’m fishing a jig in rock I want one that has a wide head. As you look at it the head should stretch out left and right from the center point. A football head is an excellent example of what I’m talking about. The idea is to keep it from hanging up or wedging in the rocks. That ruins your cast, wastes time and […]

City Bass are Still Bass

City Bass are Still Bass

It never fails. Break out the cameras and a cold front will blow through. That’s one of the few guarantees in life. Naturally, that’s what happened when I fished with Joe Sancho in Central Park in New York. The bite started off really slow. Then it got tough. Nothing we were throwing seemed to interest them. But, we had a show to film so we needed to do something. That something turned out to be soaking a jig. Here’s the deal: bass are bass regardless of where they live. The ponds in Central Park have some cover just like waters […]