Mastering the Shad Spawn

Mastering the Shad Spawn

Let’s dive in! We’re diving into a timely topic that’s sure to make your next fishing trip a success, the shad spawn. If you’ve ever wondered about this phenomenal event that happens wherever there are bass and shad, you’re in the right place. First off, what exactly is the shad spawn? Well, it’s more than just shad spawning; it’s nature’s way of replenishing the bass population by filling their bellies with delicious shad after the bass finish spawning. Timing-wise, it typically occurs from April through June, varying slightly depending on where you’re located. Keep an eye out for water temperatures […]

So You Want a Giant This Fall

So You Want a Giant This Fall

Fall is a great time to go bass fishing. The weather is cool but it’s still comfortable, there are fewer recreational boats around and the bass are feeding like crazy. It’s also a great time to catch a giant, maybe the biggest one of your life. If you want to catch one like that, though, you have to use the right lure. Here are my three very best fall baits for giant bass. But here’s the thing — one of them isn’t necessarily any better than the other. It’s about which one will best match the hatch. The first one […]

Fall & Early Winter Bait Choices, Part 3: Spinnerbaits

Fall & Early Winter Bait Choices, Part 3: Spinnerbaits

The thing about spinnerbaits is that they are versatile. I know that you’ve heard and read things that say they’ve been replaced by other lures. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They’ve caught bass for decades and they’ll be catching them for decades into the future. One of the best things about a spinnerbait is that it can be fished on the fall or horizontal. I’m partial to the horizontal presentation and it works best in the fall and early winter, so I’ll talk about it. Lots of times you’ll see baitfish on top in the early morning before […]