Mastering the Shad Spawn

Mike Iaconelli
Mike Iaconelli

Let’s dive in! We’re diving into a timely topic that’s sure to make your next fishing trip a success, the shad spawn. If you’ve ever wondered about this phenomenal event that happens wherever there are bass and shad, you’re in the right place.

First off, what exactly is the shad spawn? Well, it’s more than just shad spawning; it’s nature’s way of replenishing the bass population by filling their bellies with delicious shad after the bass finish spawning. Timing-wise, it typically occurs from April through June, varying slightly depending on where you’re located. Keep an eye out for water temperatures ranging from the low 70s to the mid to upper 70s, that’s your signal that the shad are getting ready to spawn.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty of how shad spawn. Unlike bass, which build nests, shad are dispersion spawners. This means they gather in large groups and release their eggs around objects or targets. This detail is crucial because it guides us to cast our lures near targets where the eggs can stick. Think grass, rocks, docks, and even submerged vegetation like lily pads or reeds.

Molix Muscle Ant Double Willow Spinnerbait
Molix Muscle Ant Double Willow Spinnerbait

So, what are the top lures to use during the shad spawn? Let me break it down for you. Number one on my list is the spinnerbait. Specifically, a white spinnerbait with double Silver Willow blades. This lure perfectly mimics a school of shad, making it irresistible to hungry bass lurking around spawning grounds.

Berkley Gulp Alive Grub
Berkley Gulp Alive Grub

Next up is the swim jig, ideal for targeting shad spawning around grass. Opt for a white swim jig paired with a white trailer, like the classic Berkeley Power Grub. This combo is a tried-and-true shad imitator that bass can’t resist.

Berkley Powerbait Hollow Belly Swimbait
Berkley Powerbait Hollow Belly Swimbait

Then, we have the hollow belly swimbait, a staple for fishing around docks where shad like to spawn. The lifelike action of this bait, especially in a pearl or white color, makes it a must-have in your shad spawn arsenal.

Molix Pop Frog
Molix Pop Frog

Last but not least, don’t forget about topwater baits. Whether it’s a white frog or a white walking bait, these lures excel in low-light conditions when the shad spawn is in full swing. Add a feather or blade to your walking bait for extra flash and attraction.



Top 4 Shad Spawn Baits
Top 4 Shad Spawn Baits


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